Saturday, December 17, 2011


This is Princess.  She has her own style...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I run a freakin' dog hotel.  This is America, our latest boarder.  Very sweet girl.  Gets along well with my pack.  She will be with us through the weekend.

Funny stuff from happyplace.comUnintentionally Inappropriate Test Answers From Small Children.  It says that the inappropriate answers are unintentional, but on a few of these, I beg to differ.  Also, just how small are these children???

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2011 Christmas Ornament

Every year, my kiddos and I mass produce a Christmas ornament to give to all of our friends. My thinking behind it is that years from now when we military families have all gone our separate ways, we will still be decorating our trees, and the ornament will be a small reminder of our friendship and times together. The make great teacher gifts as well, because, let's face it, teachers don't want need another mug or candle, more candy, or more lotion from Bath & Body Works. 

Anyhoo...this is our 2011 ornament.  I found him on Pinterest.  Someone had pinned an Etsy post, and I never pay for anything I can do myself.  It has nothing to do with money.  I am just that full of myself confident in my abilities.  I think he's tute!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dinner For Champions

Need I say more?

Handsome Fireman Boy

So that's what he is calling himself today.  J says maybe that's his stage name. 

My New Obsession!

So my new fave celeb is Zooey Deschanel. Today I found her website Hello Giggles, and couldnt stop laughing my ass off! I think I like her because she reminds me so much of myself!